Walk Away Smiling

Readers of this BLOG know I’m a big fan of companies avoiding lock-in.  I’m always pushing organizations to open White Space projects.  So you’d think that a company looking to sell a business would be someone I’d attack.

Not so quick there.

Motorola is putting out feelers to sell it’s auto parts business.  Ostensibly to "focus."  That’s a word reporters and investors understand.  You might think I’d say "hey, why don’t you fix that business?  Why not explore new options?"

In this case, I fully support management.  For over a year now Motorola has been opening White Space right and left.  The results have been fantastic (six consecutive higher profit quarters) as Motorola has grown revenues in several new markets while breaking down old lock-ins and expanding revenues in the hotly contested cell phone business.  The company is doing practically everything right.

Now is the BEST time to walk away from the old legacy business.  Nowhere is lock-in stronger, and less valuable, than in the original legacy business.  In Motorola’s case, finding a new future has been augmented by cutting its ties to the past – past practices, past metrics, past cultures and now past markets.

Sometimes developing a new future is best augmented by knowing when to walk away from the old business.  And if you’ve already established White Space that’s producing results, you can walk away smiling.
