To Grow in 2011 Plan Like Virgin, Apple and Google



  • Business planning systems are designed to defend historical markets
  • Rapidly shifting markets makes it impossible to grow by defense alone
  • Growth requires understanding what customers want, and creating new solutions that most likely aren’t part of the current business
  • You can’t grow if you don’t plan to grow, but to plan for growth you have to shift resources from traditional planning into scenario planning
  • High growth companies like Virgin, Apple and Google plan to fulfill future needs, not defend & extend past practicess

Imagine you see a pile of hay.  Above it is a sign flashing “find the needle.” That achievement would be hard. Change the sign to “find the hay” and suddenly achieving the goal becomes much easier.  So, as the comedian Bill Engvall might ask, what’s your sign?  Unfortunately, most businesses plan for 2011, and beyond, using the first sign. Very few do planning using the latter.  Most businesses won’t grow, because they simply don’t know how to plan for growth!!

Most businesses start planning with “I’m in the horseshoe (for example) business.  My market isn’t growing, and there is more capacity than demand. How can I grow?” For these people, their sign is “find the needle.”

Take for example Earthlink. The company’s growth looked like a rocket ship in the early internet days as people by the millions signed up for dial-up service. But along came broadband, and the market for dial up died – never to return. Earthlink has no hope of growing as long as it thinks of itself as a dial-up company

ELNK Consumer Narrowband Access Subscribers Chart

Chart at author Ananthan Thangavel

Despite the absolute certainty that the market is shrinking, at this point almost all business planners will develop plans to defend this dying business as long as possible. Despite the impossibility of achieving good returns, there will be a plethora of actions to try and keep serving all the way to the very last customer.  Just look at how AOL has invested millions trying to defend its dying internet access busiuness.  Reality is, the company that walks away – gives up- is the smartest. There’s no way to make money as oversupply keeps too many companies spending too much to service too few customers.

The next step for most planners is to attempt extending the business into something adjacent.  For example, Earthlink would say “let’s invest in Broadband. We’ll hang onto customers as they want to switch, and maybe pick up a few customers.” But this completely ignores the fact that competitors already have a substantial lead.  Competitors have learned the technology, and the marketplace.  They are growing, and have no intention of giving up any room to a new competitor.

Consumer BroadBand Connections Chart

Chart at author Ananthan Thangavel

Planning systems are designed to keep the business doing more of what it always did, or possibly extending the business into adjacent markets after returns have faltered.  Planning systems have no way of recognizing when a business, or market, has become obsolete. And practically never do they recognize the power of exsting competitors when looking at adjacent markets. As a result, the planning system produces no growth plans, leading 2011 to end with the self-fulfilling prophecy that the plan predicted – little or no growth.

The future for Earthlink is pretty grim. As it is for most companies that plan based upon history, trying to Defend & Extend their historical markets. In the highly dynamic, global marketplaces of 2011 trying to find growth by remaining focused on the past is like looking for the needle in a haystack.  Maybe there’s something in there – but it’s not likely – and it’s even a lot less likely you’ll find it – and if you did, the cost of finding it will almost assuredly be greater than the value.

Alternatively, why not use planning resources to find, and develop, growth markets.  Instead of looking at what you did (as in the past tense) try to figure out what you should do. Rather than studying past products, customers and markets, why not develop scenarios about the future that give you insight to what people will want to buy in 2011, 2012 and beyond?  Rather than looking for needles, why not go explore the hay?

Newspapers kept focusing on declining subscriptions, when they should have been studying Craig’s List, eBay, and other on-line environments to learn the future of advertising.  Had Tribune company poured its resources into its early internet investments, such as and, rather than trying to defend its traditional newspapers, it may well have avoided bankruptcy.  But rather than looking to the future when doing its planning, and understanding that on-line news was going to explode, Tribune kept looking for the needle (cost cuts, layoffs, outsourcing, etc.) to save the old success formula.

Direct mail companies and Sunday insert printers have continued looking for ways to defend & extend their coupon printing business – despite the fact that nobody reads junk mail or uses printed coupons.  Several have failed, and larger companies have merged trying to find “synergies” and more cost cuts.  Simultaneously a 28 year old music major from Nothwestern university starts figuring out how to help companies acquire new customers by offering email coupons, and within 2 years his company, Groupon, is valued at around $6B.  There’s nothing that stopped coupon powerhouse Advo from being Groupon, except that its planning system was devoted to finding the needle, while Groupon’s leaders decided to go play in the hay.

Hallmark and American Greetings want us to buy birthday and holiday cards for various occasions – in a world where almost nobody mails cards any longer.  As they keep trying to defend their old business, and extend it into a few new opportunities for on-line cards, Twitter captures the wave of instant communications by offering everyone 140 character ways to communicate.  Because Twitter is out where the growth is, the company raises $200M giving it a value of $3.7B. 

Nothing stops any business from being anything it wants to be.  But as most enter 2011 they will use their planning resources, including all those management meetings and hours of forms completion, to do nothing more than re-examine the historical business.  Most will devolve into trying to figure out how to do more with less.  As future forecasts look grim, or perhaps cautiously optimistic (based on a lot of things going right – like a mysterious pick-up in demand) there will be much nashing of teeth – and meetings looking for a needle that can be offered to employees and investors as a hope for rising future value.

Smart companies get out of that rut.  They focus their planning on the future.  What do customers want, and how can we give them what they want?  How can we create whole new markets.  Apple was a PC company, but by exploring mobility it became a provider of MP3 consumer electronics, downloadable music, a mobile device and app supplier and the early winner in cloud accessing tablets.  Google has moved from a search engine to a powerhouse ad placement company and is pushing the edges of growth in mobile computing as well as several other markets.  Virgin started as a distributor of long-playing vinyl record albums, but by exploring what customers really wanted it has become an international airline, cell phone company, international lender and space travel pioneer (to mention just a few of its businesses.)

You can grow in 2011, but to do so you need to shed the old planning system (and its resource wasting processes) and get serious about scenario planning.  Focus on the future, not the past.
