Cios – You Can Drive Growth

"Too Add Value Through IT, Pick Up the Ball" headlines my latest article published by IDG group. For years IT leaders thought their job was to "keep the joint running." Today, that's insufficient.  Nobody can avoid being part of the growth agenda if they are to be a successful leader or manager. 

To drive success, and keep their jobs, IT leaders now have to move beyond simply being defensive.  Keeping the systems running, and cutting operating costs, is not enough to be a great CIO.  Too many have ended up outsourcing almost everything in order to lower costs, only to discover that IT becomes far too rigid and unable to support market needs when so many services are outsourced to third parties.

Today's CIO has to spend more time figuring out how to flexibly, adaptively, bring new solutions to both insiders and customers.  It's important CIOs not just track historical (and accounting) data, but behave like the offensive team, identifying and tracking considerably more market-based data.  And creating various future scenarios to help the company spot trends and opportunities.  On top of this, IT must demonstrate how using emerging solutions – from to Groupon, Foursquare and Facebook (examples) – can reach more customers, faster – driving higher revenues.

Read how important it is for IT to become part of the growth engine at one of the locations where this article has been published:

CIO Magazine – @ PC World – @ Network World – @ IT World Canada – @ CIO Australia – @ ComputerWorld Norway

Additionally, read my latest article on effective strategic planning – for IT or any part of the organization – published by the Strategic Planning Society of the UK "Disrupting the Marketplace".  This article describes how to add maximum value, growing revenue, cash flow and profits, by identifying and implementing opportunities to disrupt the marketplace.  And allowing those disruptions to invade your own organization for more dynamism.