Are You Part of "Fake" Innovation?

With the proliferation of fake news, I feel it is my duty to point out that its not just fake news that is growing, its also fake innovation. Fake innovation is innovation that isn’t real or well-intended. A clear way to identify fake innovation is by looking at the results of the endeavors. Are any new products, services or solutions being launched? Are there any improvements in the business, customer experience or market?  IF NOT, ITS FAKE INNOVATION!

Innovation can occur in many different ways and many different forms. I’m not being an innovation snob and saying that all innovation has to be transformational. There are plenty of incremental innovations that are tremendous (I love turbo tax innovations that constantly makes small incremental changes for a wow experience).  What I am saying is that, big or small, all innovation eventually has to produce some sort of result in order to be real.

Fake innovation, however, doesn’t produce results, or even really try to….because it is fake. It is the buzzword innovation that fake innovation loves. People and companies love to be SEEN as innovative so they liberally throw the term around. But using the term or the latest innovation buzzwords doesn’t produce results, only the appearance of them. I am so sick of fake innovation companies giving lip-service to change.

Fake innovation is…
…..researching ideas without having any means to ever launch them
…..the executive who has 3 or 4 innovation books in the bookcase behind his desk, but has never personally sponsored a new idea to fruition
…..all talk, no action
…..the lack of a working budget or process
… results
Fake news isn’t the only thing jamming up the airwaves, fake innovation is also.