Innovate to Grow – Amazon, Apple, Google, Shell

I was struck to learn that most people with a growth plan simply think they will sell more to customers in existing markets.  About 2/3 of respondents to a Harvard study.

Growth plans 7.09

Chart from Harvard Business School Publishing

But we know that not only you, but your competitors are all hoping to sell more to the existing market!  This is the fodder for price wars, and declining returns.  When we think we can somehow eke more out of existing customers – even if we think we'll take them a new product – we are ignoring competitors.  As a result, we rarely get the growth.  The results are pre-ordained, when everyone is trying to do the same thing all you get is a war to Defend your existing business!

The encouraging sign is that about 40% of respondents are considering new markets.  And that's a good thing.  A GREAT Wall Street Journal article "The New, Faster Face of Innovation" tells us that everyone has the opportunity to apply more innovation today.  At length this article explains how today's computer deep, networked world allows for testing of almost everything, almost anywhere, pretty nearly continuously, for very small cost.  The biggest obstacle to testing more options, trying more innovation, is the self-imposed limits management puts on the tests!

Now, more than ever, businesses need to be oriented on growth.  But that doesn't mean entering gladiator style battles to see who can win, usually coming out the bloodiest, battling in existing markets.    Quite to the contrary, now is the perfect time for trying new things to connect with shifted markets.  People are looking for new solutions to their problems, and willing to evaluate more options than ever.  But management Lock-in to traditional notions about the market – set at an earlier time, under different conditions – will often keep a company from trying new things, entering new markets, testing new solutions.  Too often management wants to remain "focused" on its "core offerings" and "core strengths" creating the gladiator-style environment!

Use innovation to test!  Leaders need to let lower level managers test new options.  The most important thing leaders can do today is give PERMISSION to the organization to create new options, and the RESOURCES (now smaller commitments than ever) for testing those options.  These become White Space projects where we can forget the conditions which initially created the old Success Formula and find out what works NOW.  Those companies that are willing to Disrupt Locked-in notions about how markets should behave will use these market tests to create the most desirable solutions in the future.  And these companies will come out the winners.

Just think like these folks:

  • Amazon retailer creating the Kindle e-reader
  • Apple computer creating iTunes and the iPod
  • Google search engine creating AdWords for on-line advertising placement
  • Singer Sewing Machines becoming a defense contractor
  • Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum building wind farms


[And, like I wrote in my latest Forbes article, this will work for health care as well]