Will Your Business Be a Volcanic Casualty?

All businesses are subject to the unpredictable evolution of the market place.  The danger you face is of misjudging or ignoring trends that can make your business become obsolete.

Consider the following historical reminder. In the first century AD, the city of Pompeii in Italy was covered in toxic ash from the massive eruption of nearby Mount Vesuvius. The resulting solidified volcanic debris left behind hollow molds from which casts of victims caught in various poses by the eruption were recreated.

Among the casts of victims were those of people apparently in the middle of eating a meal. Just what were those people thinking? They must have heard and seen the great eruption, so did they not think it would pose enough of a threat to interrupt their meal? Or did they just gravely misjudge the speed of the volcano’s advance and the impact in would have on their dinner?

Will your business be a casualty of approaching volcanic ash? Or are you continuously scanning your horizons to ensure that you won’t get caught off guard by imminent market developments?
