Hotel Industry Innovation: Daycationning

The origins of the hotel industry can be traced back to biblical times, yet it is still full of customer pain points.  This is proof that even long standing, highly competitive industries should be continuously re-imagined.  Here is one recent example of how.

One of the accepted, hotel industry standards is that rooms need to be book by overnight increments.  But with more fluid workstyles and lifestyles, an increasingly large number of potential guests may want to have access to a room only for a fraction of a day – to rest up between flights, conduct meetings, or as you might imagine, have a secret encounter.
A new online service has been launched to turn this Pain Point into a Point of Infatuation. The site is, and it allows users to book rooms at partner hotels for fractions of a day, for fraction of the daily price.  It is calling the concept ‘daycation’.