Drive for Success at Gm

GM is having a tough time.  Last week, the stock (already beat up) dropped nearly 20% on news of weak sales and lower profit expectations. You have to go back more than 10 years (see chart) to find a time the company’s market value was this low.  So, what should GM do?  What action will turn this venerable company around?

GM has responded to its problems by continuing decades of Defending & Extending its failing business model.  It continues to avoid addressing the real challenges to its business while it resorts to white collar layoffs and traditional cuts.  These are sure to make the problems worse for GM, and further inhibit the company’s ability to reinvent itself.

GM once tried to re-invent itself.  Saturn was created as a way for GM to learn what works in today’s market.  Remember the "GME" when they bought EDS?  Remember "GMH" when they bought Hughes electronics?  Chairman Roger Smith was first lauded, then later pilloried for these forays.  Over time, GM let it’s lock-in to the past move them toward getting rid of both EDS and Hughes.  That’s too bad, because they offered the White Space for GM to create a company much better at sustaining itself. 

Saturn offered GM the capability to turn its auto business around.  You CAN succeed making and selling cars in America – look at Toyota.  If GM could have given up its lock-in long enough to look at Saturn as White Space they could learn from, and migrate toward, GM could have succeeded. Instead, GM leaders hated the new division and the attack on their lock-in it represented.  So they acted to starve it to death.

Whacking a few more jobs isn’t going to save GM.  I doubt even GM believes it will.  If they want to avoid "junk" status on their bonds, stay on the DJIA, and continue to represent American industry they better start using some White Space to undertake substantial change.  Our research has shown that turnarounds such as GM needs happen less than 10% of the time.  What works?  Changing the company business model via attack on the old operating parameters and the use of White Space to develop a new Success Formula. 

When you’re as deep in the Swamp as GM you can’t fine-tune or marginally improve your way back to success. 
