Deep Challenges

Success Formulas are nested.  We have personal Success Formulas, which interact with Work Team Success Formulas, which connect with Functional and B.U. Success Formulas, which tie to Industry Success Formulas those are impacted by Success Formulas within the larger economy.  Whew!  That’s a lot of Success Formulas.  But, in fact, achieving superior results mean these Success Formulas all line up.  When they are misaligned, resources are spent ineffectively and results suffer.

We frequently focus on the Success Formulas at the top of the pyramid.  But, big Challenges occur when changes happen deep.  At the deepest are changes in the economy – which we tend to ignore – and yet they create the biggest Challenges.

Just a decade ago the emergence of all the linked PCs across the world wide web created a change in the economy.  It challenged Success Formulas throughout the pyramid to align with the new capabilities.  We all had to learn how to move faster, and more effectively to keep pace competitively.  And it opened the door for international trade on a previous unheard of scale, as we discovered we could use the web to manage work anywhere, from Indiana to India (as detailed in the book The World is Flat).

Now, there’s a new Challenge emerging.  And we need to find White Space to identify new solutions. 

Any business watcher knows that complaints are high about the cost of health care.  Estimates are that $1,500 of every car’s cost is worker health care.  And the auto companies are fighting with their unions to cut this cost.  The same has happened with health care cost in the airlines, steel, and most other industries.  For those of us working in America, we’ve all seen our employers raise our contribution to the insurance premiums, while watching the dreaded co-pays go up and the services offered go down. According to a 2004 Harris poll, a majority of Americans actually favor price controls!

U.S. employers are learning that in a new, no-barriers world they have to compete with companies that effectively have no health care cost.  In most other countries, the cost of health care is handled dramatically differently – with the result that employers do not pay for their worker’s plans.  As a result, a manufacturer in the U.S. finds the marginal cost of health care actually causes him to lose sales against a global competitor – such as China.  And the same with a U.S. services vendor competing with Indian companies.

What’s happening is that we no longer can look just to how we manage the American economy when we compete.  We’re now on a world stage.  We have to compete with countries which standardize health care, recover much of the cost through various taxing systems, and leave the employer largely out of the equation.  The Challenge to American employers – and thus to all of us who work – is very real.

The issue is no longer becoming "what’s the right answer."  Instead, we have to realize that Americans are Locked-in to a system that is globally unique.  It is affecting our competitiveness – on a company-by-company basis.  This system of employer funded private insurers worked well when constructed as part of our Success Formula post Depression.  But now it’s hurting our competitiveness.  The world has changed.

So far, we’ve been pretty unwilling to recognize this Challenge.  We’ve remained Locked-in.  Governmental programs to change have been met with attacks from not only insurers, but by most Americans.  What’s needed is White Space for us to test some new approaches.  Americans are unlikely to change just because they see merits (and deficits) to programs in Canada or the U.K.  Instead, we have to develop our own solution.  And that will require us giving ourselves permission, and dedicated resources, to experiment with different solutions.

We compete now globally.  Thus the requirement becomes aligning our industries, companies and ourselves with changes in the economy.  EVen where such alignment can be wrenching.  Where will this White Space occur?  Probably not in government, that’s not our way.  But rather through some form of private approach where we can experiment and learn.  The sooner we create this White Space, fund it and put talented people in it the better.  And the businesses that pioneer these solutions have the opportunity to generate enormous value, and wealth for investors.