Achievement is …for me

I prefer the hen that looks up to the sky than the eagle that flies but always looking down.
How high is not the question, but how intense is your longing for the sky
” - Sadhguru.

I’ve been a bit over obsessed with achievement. Establishing my own business at sixteen, I believed anything was possible.

Ten years later, I picked up the Association of Photographers award, presented to me by Melvin Bragg on the stage at the Barbican in London. I had my work published in several books.

Going into a bookstore in New York and seeing the Jodi Picolut Book I contributed the cover for was a big thrill. Getting the cheque for the best selling book even better! Having exhibitions, a Masters in photography award, a sports coaching award, best car, best camera, big jobs. Always looking to the future.

We are born makers, our instinct is to create stuff - so achievement must be hard wired into our DNA. Now I think it’s important we know what we’re working toward. I’ve looked at what success means and what failure means. I’m still passionate about making my projects happen but I don’t attach my own self worth to them.

My expectations of myself are still high. I’m kinder on myself. I’m grateful for family, friends, clients. Grateful for being able to travel and experience new things. Doing my best, living in the now, not the fantasy of awards, not putting to much pressure on myself.
